The antiseptic nature, Natural, and can help the bacteria breeding in the body. This sebabkan in the Flourin that measure 10-100 times greater than in cow milk. Bersifatbasah (Food alkaline), so safe for the body. Proteinnya effect laktasenya soft and lightweight, so it does not cause diarrhea. Lemaknya easily digested because it has the texture of a soft and smooth compared to the smaller grain fat cows milk or other milk. And also a homogeneous nature. This mempernudah for the occurrence of indigestion so pressing allergic reactions. With the sodium (Na), Fluorin (F), Calcium (C), and phosphorus (P) as the dominant elements of chemical and other nutritional womb, So nutritious goat milk:
• Helps digestion and stomach acid mentralisir.
• Menyembuuhkan allergic reactions on the skin, breath and digestive channel.
• Healing the various lung diseases, as Astma, TB, The acute infection in the other lung.
• Healing the kidney some aberration, sperti Nepbrotic Syndrom-infection and kidney infection acid strand is high.
• Gynecology calcium (Ca), which can cure rheumatism and help prevent bone fragility.
• Adding Vitalitasdan resistance body.
• Troubleshooting impotensi and sexual passion, Both for men and women.
• Based on some research in the United States, goat milk has proven anti-cancer effects
• Helps digestion and stomach acid mentralisir.
• Menyembuuhkan allergic reactions on the skin, breath and digestive channel.
• Healing the various lung diseases, as Astma, TB, The acute infection in the other lung.
• Healing the kidney some aberration, sperti Nepbrotic Syndrom-infection and kidney infection acid strand is high.
• Gynecology calcium (Ca), which can cure rheumatism and help prevent bone fragility.
• Adding Vitalitasdan resistance body.
• Troubleshooting impotensi and sexual passion, Both for men and women.
• Based on some research in the United States, goat milk has proven anti-cancer effects
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